Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Review of Troilus & Cressida in the City Paper. I was only mentioned in passing but the review is positive on the whole.

*sigh* I'll miss you, Howard. However, I do give you credit for giving the rest of the candidates some backbone. Anyone But Bush in 2004!

All right, back to matters of REAL importance-- American Idol. What a horrible show. My gurl Lisa put in a great performance, but WHERE was everyone else????? Camile, I was expecting better things from you. Marisa whatever-your-last-name-is-today, I was very underwhelmed with you. Matt, you were all right, but tone down the hostility. Briana another-name-change, what were you thinking, what a horrible song to choose. Kara Master, we have never seen you on the show before, and we never will again. Jesus.... when you get voted off the show tonight, your career will not come back to life in 3 days. Noel, congratulations, you managed to be even worse than your brother.

Whew. Last night's show was not doing a good job of getting Joe and David addicted, but I'll try again next week. At least I did get a yummy soup from Joe out of it.

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