Friday, February 13, 2004

What a long time since my last blog entry! Not much appears to have changed... except-- a new season of AMERICAN IDOL has begun! Woohoo!!!

Okay, first things first, let's get the American Idol stuff out of the way: I don't think Fantasia Barrino is all that. I miss Scooter Girl. Alan Ritchson is soooo pretty but a total tool. Why did Jennifer Hudson get voted off. Charly Lowry is awesome. I love Jon-Peter Lewis. And what's up with people changing their names from one round to the next. Hello, Leah Vladowski -> Leah LaBelle, Marisa Sobecki-Engle -> Marisa Joy, Briana Garcia -> Briana Ramirez-Rial... okay, I don't even get that last one. Oh, and of course-- Will Hung rocks! (I even got the t-shirt.)

Well. Now that that's out of the way (for a few days at least). "Troilus & Cressida" opens tonight. Thankfully I've taken the day off to recuperate from a hellish 2 weeks of poor eating habits and little sleep.

I'm also having fun with the new phone. Screw you, Sprint, I'm with Verizon now! I can actually use my phone in my own apartment now! And I kept my old phone number! And I can take pictures! MUAAAHAHAHAAA!!!