Friday, May 09, 2003

Yay! Josh has been voted off of American Idol! It's about time. He wasn't that good and frankly that Marine thing had been milked waaaay too far. Now I am keeping my fingers crossed for Clay. I like Kimberley next. But I think that Reuben will probably win. Too bad.

In other news, I attended my first Howard Dean Meetup. It was at the Baltimore Brewing Company-- that's right, returning to the scene of my drunken escapades from my birthday last Saturday. The Meetup was pretty interesting. My favorite Howard Dean quote: "The reason people don't vote in this country is that we don't give them a reason to vote. This campaign is about giving all of you a reason to vote." --> obligatory link to official Howard Dean website <--

Tuesday, May 06, 2003

Well, I am newly 30. The flood of knowledge and wisdom that comes to you when you turn 30 is really awe-inspiring. Yeah, whatever.

I spent my birthday with some of my old college friends, we all sang together in the Johns Hopkins AllNighters as undergrads. This weekend was the AllNighters 10th anniversary, and the current group invited the alumni to come back and sing with them at their concert on Saturday night. It was so great seeing these guys again. We spent so much time together in college, rehearsing, touring, working to make the AllNighters into a good group. After spending the weekend with them, I felt like I had recharged a part of me that I didn't realize had run down. I hope we don't have to wait another few years for there to be a "special occasion" for us to get together again.

Of course, we partied too hard and drank too much. It started off Friday night at the Baltimore Brewing Company and ended up at 4 AM Sunday morning in Peter's living room, with circuit party music blasting (his poor neighbors), dancing around with our shirts off and drinking vodka straight from the bottle. It was fun in a hedonistic sort of way. Besides, it was my birthday, dammit!