Wednesday, February 25, 2004

Whew! What a busy week it has been. The positive review of Troilus & Cressida in the City Paper really made a difference in the crowds. We went from audiences of 10-20 the first weekend to 50-80 the second. It was really neat, I'm glad I worked on it. Now it's done and I'm back into rehearsals for Watergate.

Friday night Owen came up from DC to see the show and hang out. We had a great time.... or DID we?

Okay. More American Idol. I'm somewhat disappointed because they put lots of good people in this week's show, and some of my favorites didn't perform particularly well. Charly Lowry was all right but not great. Ditto with Jon Peter Lewis and Leah Labelle. So that other woman will make it to the next round.... yeah, I thought she was all right. I guess I wasn't as enthralled as everyone else. We'll see what happens tonight, I guess.

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