Monday, September 27, 2004

Okay, so check out this prize-winning conversation, courtesy of

«him» u r a pretty cute guy
«Me» Thanks.
«him» sure man
«him» u like to get head?

«Me» Sorry, I don't think our profiles match.
«him» its just head man but ok have a good one
«Me» You too.
«him» i hear u have a reak nice cock
«him» was just looking to suck it

«Me» I appreciate the offer, tactless though it was.
«him» u know i have seen u in the[is room many many times and u really r as big of an ass as guys say
«him» and damn rude

RUDE? I think I was remarkably well mannered, especially given the context.

Monday, May 31, 2004

New Wing album! I'm thrilled, but my collection is no longer complete!!!

Wing sings the songs I love? But how does she know which songs I love? I don't remember filling out a survey. Or has she been watching me? Wing, are you out there?

Wednesday, February 25, 2004

Whew! What a busy week it has been. The positive review of Troilus & Cressida in the City Paper really made a difference in the crowds. We went from audiences of 10-20 the first weekend to 50-80 the second. It was really neat, I'm glad I worked on it. Now it's done and I'm back into rehearsals for Watergate.

Friday night Owen came up from DC to see the show and hang out. We had a great time.... or DID we?

Okay. More American Idol. I'm somewhat disappointed because they put lots of good people in this week's show, and some of my favorites didn't perform particularly well. Charly Lowry was all right but not great. Ditto with Jon Peter Lewis and Leah Labelle. So that other woman will make it to the next round.... yeah, I thought she was all right. I guess I wasn't as enthralled as everyone else. We'll see what happens tonight, I guess.

Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Review of Troilus & Cressida in the City Paper. I was only mentioned in passing but the review is positive on the whole.

*sigh* I'll miss you, Howard. However, I do give you credit for giving the rest of the candidates some backbone. Anyone But Bush in 2004!

All right, back to matters of REAL importance-- American Idol. What a horrible show. My gurl Lisa put in a great performance, but WHERE was everyone else????? Camile, I was expecting better things from you. Marisa whatever-your-last-name-is-today, I was very underwhelmed with you. Matt, you were all right, but tone down the hostility. Briana another-name-change, what were you thinking, what a horrible song to choose. Kara Master, we have never seen you on the show before, and we never will again. Jesus.... when you get voted off the show tonight, your career will not come back to life in 3 days. Noel, congratulations, you managed to be even worse than your brother.

Whew. Last night's show was not doing a good job of getting Joe and David addicted, but I'll try again next week. At least I did get a yummy soup from Joe out of it.

Tuesday, February 17, 2004

Auditioned last night for "Bat-Boy". I have to admit, I hate auditioning for a Terry Long production. (Terry, if you read this, I'm sorry, you know I love you more than my luggage.) The audition notice said "prepare 2 songs showing varying styles" but I honestly didn't have any time to prepare for this audition since it came so soon after "Troilus & Cressida", so I just did "Corner of the Sky" from Pippin and "They Can't Take That Away From Me". Then comes the part that I hate about auditioning for Terry: "Okay, do that song again-- but this time, as a southern West Virginia farmer who is puzzled because some of his cows have disappeared." Huh? Whatever, I'm game. I think Terry just likes to fuck with people's heads.

American Idol tonight, woohoo! I'm going over to Joe's tonight to watch, trying to get him hooked on it, muahaha. Plus he's making dinner, double-woohoo! My predictions for tonight, before any performances actually occur: Camile Velasco and Lisa Leuschner.

Sunday, February 15, 2004

All right, a movie review: This weekend I watched "Bend It Like Beckham". I know, everyone else saw this film a year ago. So I'm behind the times. I thought the film was thoroughly charming. The performances and the story were great. I don't know if it's because I am the child of immigrants myself, or because as a student at Hopkins my friends were from so many different cultures, but I find it really gratifying to see movies like this and My Big Fat Greek Wedding and American Chai -- stories about children of immigrants struggling to reconcile and integrate their heritage with their everyday Western lives. It's funny to me to see how the experience is so often similar, whether your family is Korean or Greek or Indian or Romanian (as in my case). Anyway, I really enjoyed this film, though the recipe for aloo gobi included on the DVD is way too complicated for me to handle. Damn!
WHEW! I made it through three performances of "Troilus & Cressida". One weekend down, one to go. I can't say that I got ALL the lines right but at least I made it through. This Shakespeare stuff is hard, I have to admit.

Now I have a whole day off with no obligations. I'm so glad we don't have Sunday performances. I think I'll...... take a nap.... yes, a nap sounds lovely right about now!

Friday, February 13, 2004

What a long time since my last blog entry! Not much appears to have changed... except-- a new season of AMERICAN IDOL has begun! Woohoo!!!

Okay, first things first, let's get the American Idol stuff out of the way: I don't think Fantasia Barrino is all that. I miss Scooter Girl. Alan Ritchson is soooo pretty but a total tool. Why did Jennifer Hudson get voted off. Charly Lowry is awesome. I love Jon-Peter Lewis. And what's up with people changing their names from one round to the next. Hello, Leah Vladowski -> Leah LaBelle, Marisa Sobecki-Engle -> Marisa Joy, Briana Garcia -> Briana Ramirez-Rial... okay, I don't even get that last one. Oh, and of course-- Will Hung rocks! (I even got the t-shirt.)

Well. Now that that's out of the way (for a few days at least). "Troilus & Cressida" opens tonight. Thankfully I've taken the day off to recuperate from a hellish 2 weeks of poor eating habits and little sleep.

I'm also having fun with the new phone. Screw you, Sprint, I'm with Verizon now! I can actually use my phone in my own apartment now! And I kept my old phone number! And I can take pictures! MUAAAHAHAHAAA!!!